
The Program Subcommittee shall be composed of at least eleven members chosen as follows:

  • The immediate Past President who shall be chairperson
  • One member who is an educator from a university or college in the State
  • One member from a private engineering firm in the State
  • One member who is an operator or superintendent of a wastewater plant of at least 5 mgd or greater design
  • One member who is an operator or superintendent of a wastewater plant of less than 5 mgd design
  • One member who is principally engaged in laboratory analysis of wastewater
  • One member who is the Exhibitor/Vendor representative
  • The Education Committee Chairperson
  • The Local Arrangements Subcommittee Chairperson
  • The balance to be chosen at large, with consideration given to the areas of collection systems, industrial operations, safety, and biosolids operations.
Executive Committee liaison shall be the Past President


  • Prepare, coordinate and distribute the finalized technical program for the annual meeting by March 15
  • Coordinate all activities of the spouses’ program and the Local Arrangements Subcommittee in order to put together a complete program for submittal to the Executive Committee
  • Provide program updates at each Executive Committee meeting
  • Submit outline of talks to the CEU Administrator by March 15
  • Distribute and collect speaker evaluation forms for each session and provide the collected forms to the Education Committee Chair
  • At the conference, distribute to and collect CEU forms from all persons wanting CEU registration in Iowa.  (The forms shall be sent to the CEU Administrator.)