Annual Conference Committee


The Annual Conference Committee shall be chaired by a member selected and appointed by the President.  While the President is at liberty to select and appoint the Chair of the Annual Conference Committee this committee is best served by having continuity in the Chair.  The President may appoint other members to assist the Chair as deemed necessary.

Chair of the Annual Meeting Committee

Jay Brady

Program Subcommittee


The Program Subcommittee shall be composed of at least eleven members chosen as follows:

  1. The immediate Past President who shall be chairperson
  2. One member who is an educator from a university or college in the State
  3. One member from a private engineering firm in the State
  4. One member who is an operator or superintendent of a wastewater plant of at least 5 mgd or greater design
  5. One member who is an operator or superintendent of a wastewater plant of less than 5 mgd design
  6. One member who is principally engaged in laboratory analysis of wastewater
  7. One member who is the Exhibitor/Vendor representative
  8. The Education Committee Chairperson
  9. The Local Arrangements Subcommittee Chairperson
  10. The balance to be chosen at large, with consideration given to the areas of collection systems, industrial operations, safety, and biosolids operations.

Executive Committee liaison shall be the Past President


  1. Prepare, coordinate and distribute the finalized technical program for the annual meeting by March 15
  2. Coordinate all activities of the spouses’ program and the Local Arrangements Subcommittee in order to put together a complete program for submittal to the Executive Committee
  3. Provide program updates at each Executive Committee meeting
  4. Submit outline of talks to the CEU Administrator by March 15
  5. Distribute and collect speaker evaluation forms for each session and provide the collected forms to the Education Committee Chair
  6. At the conference, distribute to and collect CEU forms from all persons wanting CEU registration in Iowa.  (The forms shall be sent to the CEU Administrator.)

Local Arrangements Subcommittee


The Local Arrangements Subcommittee shall be made up of persons from the host city area for each annual meeting.

  1. The person extending the invitation to the Association to meet in the host city area shall be the chairperson
  2. Other members shall be appointed by the Chairperson as needed.

Executive Committee liaison shall be the President-Elect

(NOTE: Reference the Local Arrangement notebook which is to be passed on to the new subcommittee chairperson each year.)


  1. Arrange for hotel, meeting rooms, and menus for annual meeting
  2. By the January board meeting, arrange for prices, tours, and entertainment
  3. By the January board meeting, coordinate with the IAWEA Auxiliary officers the spouses’ program and cost for the annual meeting
  4. Serve as hosts at the annual meeting and assist the President, Secretary-Treasurer and program committee in duties for the annual meeting, including registration and hotel coordination