Iowa Joint Operator Certification and Training Coordination Committee (IJOCTCC)

(Note:  Minutes from the Iowa Joint Operators Certification Committee are now posted on the Iowa Section AWWA web site.  You can view them by clicking here:

In 1991, through the initiative of Iowa Section – American Water Works Association (IAWWA), a Joint Certification Committee was formed with the Iowa Water Environment Association (IAWEA) to review certification rules and procedures and provide advisory service to DNR staff upon request.  The committee later expanded its membership to represent training providers, utilities and municipalities.  Iowa State University (ISU), Kirkwood Community College, the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities (IAMU) and the Iowa Rural Water Association (IRWA) have joined the committee.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Iowa operator certification program is to assure consistent water quality, protect the public health of Iowa citizens, and preserve Iowa’s water resources through the competent management, operation, and maintenance of water and wastewater systems.

IJOCTCC is an advisory committee only and has no power to instruct, direct, or overrule DNR in any matter. The committee meets every other month, usually on the third Friday of the odd-numbered months.  Meetings are open to the public and a time is set aside on the agenda for public comments or questions.  If you wish to attend a meeting, or have questions, please consult one of the following IAWEA committee members:

Jim Utter

IAWEA Delegation Chair

Rick Graves

Jason Loots

Mark Jones