This award is intended to provide and encourage recognition of educational contributions other than conventional classroom instruction. It is to recognize individuals who have given exemplary service in the broad area of water pollution control and the environmental sciences through education, training and motivation.
The Arthur Sidney Bedell Award was established to acknowledge extraordinary personal service to a Member Association.
The award is to encourage an active and effective safety program in municipal and industrial wastewater facilities.
The William D. Hatfield Award is presented to operators of wastewater treatment plants for outstanding performance and professionalism.
The Maintenance Committee of the IAWEA is awarding individuals who have exceeded in maintenance in the water pollution treatment process.
Each year at the Annual meeting of the Iowa Water Environment Association individuals, Field and Management personnel as applicable, will be inducted into the IOWA GOLDEN MANHOLE SOCIETY (IAGMS) in recognition of their contributions to Collection Systems Operations and Maintenance activities.
The Biosolids Award recognizes those treatment plants that have made significant strides in their Biosolids program by the development and implementation of cost-effective, environmentally safe and publicly acceptable Biosolids practices.
This award was established to recognize outstanding operation, maintenance and administration of a treatment facility.
To recognize individuals for outstanding performance, professionalism and contributions to the water quality analysis profession.