What is the Iowa Water Environment Association?
The Iowa Water Environment Association (IAWEA) is the Member Association (MA) of the Water Environment Federation for the State of Iowa. Upon joining the Federation, you also become a member of the local association in your area. There are currently 65 MA's, all having similar objectives to the Federation but on a local level.
What is the Water Environment Federation?
The Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a non-profit, educational organization comprised of more than 41,000 water quality specialists from every profession in the field. The Federation represents civil, design, and environmental engineers; biologists; bacteriologists; local and national government officials; treatment plant operators; laboratory technicians; chemists; students; teachers; industrial technologists; and equipment manufacturers/distributors.
WEF and IAWEA encourage their members to contribute news and feature articles to these periodicals, and look to their members as valuable resources.